All posts by Cork

January 5th Practice

NYBORA nation!  Practice is set for tomorrow Tuesday, January 5th from 6:30 to 8:30pm. This is for all teams/groups. Check in at the bottom of big park/jump site, look for the coaches in the red and blue NYBORA jackets!  Wear your mask and keep your distance. Be safe and have fun!

Nybora 2020-21 Season Update FIRST PRACTICE JANUARY 5TH

Nybora season update!  First practice date moved…

All practices now begin on Tuesday January 5th, this includes both the TEAM (Tuesday and Thursday night group) and Junior Team (Tuesday nights only group) to comply with state orders on organized sports.  We do have two photo sessions that we’ve added and planned between now and the 5th. Watch your email for details! Part of being a freeskier is having the ability to be nimble and react to change quickly – thank you for putting those skills to work as we all deal with this pandemic!  

As always, watch all Nybora social media for updates! To comply with the extended Minnesota executive order, our first group practice will be January 5th. As we all know, these are unprecedented times and things are constantly changing. Any modifications to our start date will be announced on our social media and here.Nybora skiers, you have details in your email on the start of the season. See you on the snow soon – please stay healthy!

2020-2021 Registration is open!

Sign-up for the 2020-2021 Nybora Season!!!

We are SO ready for winter.  Every day gets us another day closer to the best season of the year, WINTER!  And that means things are starting to ramp up for Nybora.  

You can register online!  

You can also register by mail here!

You want to be a part of the best, and Nybora is the best, hands down.  We help produce the best freeskiers in the country and help build life long friendships.  Proof.

Nybora has brought you more than 25 years of Freeskiing excellence and it’s going to be another great season with Nybora!

Northern Invasion Postponed

Due to dangerous travel and potentially unsafe competition conditions resulting from the National Weather Service issued winter storm warning, we are CANCELLING the event at Spirit Mtn tomorrow. This was not an easy decision, but everything is pointing towards it just being too sketchy to ask families to make the trek and to try and hold a safe event. 

The event is RESCHEDULED to Saturday, March 21! And, don’t forget next weekend! We will see everyone next Saturday at Hyland for the 20th annual Nybora Nightshine!!! Spread the word to your friends! (If you registered for the Spirit Mtn event, your registration will be carried forward to the March 21 event. You’re all set!)